The Top 5 Questions I Get Asked as an Event Photographer!
5. "Was That Camera Expensive?"
Nah, it was a CHEEP ! BTW, still living in a caravan in Mums' backyard – can't afford a house, ya know!
4. "What's Your Real Job?"
I'm actually a full time astronaut, but rocket fuel's too expensive at the moment so I'm just taking photos as a side hustle !
3. "Do You Need an Apprentice?"
Yes, but only if you can carry 4 heavy cases + answer phone calls and emails and also get us perfect coffees at all times even if we are in the middle of the desert !
2. "Can You Take One for me on My Phone too?"
Yep ! Only if you can take a good one of me with my camera !
And my all time favourite !
1. "Did You Get Any Good Ones?"
Nah, there's no film in the camera ! I just carry this camera around to get into events for free !